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Legrand selects Innoscience GaN ICs to deliver highest output power in wall sockets.

Leading electrical brand adopts TO-252-packaged InnoGaN to deliver best price and performance.
  • Foto Legrand selects Innoscience GaN ICs to deliver highest output power in wall sockets.
17th November 2023 – Innoscience Technology, the company founded to create a global energy ecosystem based on high-performance, low-cost, gallium-nitride-on-silicon (GaN-on-Si) power solutions, has announced that Legrand, the global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures, is using InnoGaN devices in its latest home power sockets to meet the increased power demand from products such as fast-charging Type A+C and USB power adapters.

Legrand has an estimated 19% share of the global switch and socket market. In China, the company’s recently launched products Yijing 27W and Yijing PLUS 45W wall sockets both use Innoscience GaN HEMTs to greatly increase the output power available, and reduce heat generation within the same size. GaN also allows the wall plug to fit more closely to the wall, achieving ultimate slimness.

For example, the Yijing PLUS five-hole socket uses Innoscience's latest INN700TK190B GaN chip to deliver a maximum output power of 45W with a voltage resistance of 700 V and a conduction resistance of 190 mΩ. This device not only has the characteristics of gallium nitride - ultra-high switching frequency, no reverse recovery loss, low gate charge and low output charge, but is also packaged in a standard TO-252 can, keeping costs to a minimum.

Dr. Denis Marcon, General Manager, Innoscience Europe comments: “The 45W charging socket has the highest output power within the available size. Compared with silicon-based sockets, the power is increased by nearly 1.5 times. At the same time, the characteristics of GaN also reduce the temperature rise of the charging socket during use, making it safer and more energy-saving.”

In addition to the 27W and 45W Yijing sockets for the China market, Legrand's overseas products also use Innoscience’s InnoGaN ICs. Currently, InnoGaN is also being delivered for other applications including OVP inside smartphones, buck-boost converters inside notebooks, fast charging for mobile phones/laptops, and LED power supplies, and is also being developed in products such as TV power supplies, speakers, outdoor portable power supplies, and power tools.

• About Innoscience
Innoscience is an Integrated Device Manufacturer (IDM) founded in December 2015 with the support of international prestigious investors. With the development of new technologies, the electric power grid and power electronic systems across the world are undergoing a massive transformation. Our vision is to create an energy ecosystem with effective and low-cost Gallium-Nitride-on-Silicon (GaN-on-Si) power solutions. In November 2017, Innoscience first established a mass production 8-inch wafer line for GaN-on-Si devices and, in order to fulfill the rapidly growing power demands, Innoscience has inaugurated a new facility in September 2020. As a cutting-edge GaN technology provider, Innoscience’s 1,600+ employees and over 500 R&D experts are dedicated to delivering high performance and high reliability GaN power devices that can be widely used in diverse applications including portable devices, mobile phones, chargers and adapters, electric vehicles (EV) and automotive. For more information, please visit 
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